The life and ministry of E. Stanley Jones
Robert G. Tuttle Jr.Jones used ashrams to bring Christ to the Indian context
Tom Albin and Matt HensonThe ministry of Mabel Lossing Jones changed Indian education
Martha Gunsalus ChamberlainJones traveled constantly as a preacher and spiritual leader
Douglas W. RuffleE. Stanley Jones’s granddaughter shares her reflections on his life and legacy
Anne Mathews-YounesFrom a poor Baltimore childhood to friendship with Gandhi, E. Stanley Jones had a remarkable life
Robert G. Tuttle Jr.I was introduced by Jones to the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Jennifer Woodruff TaitJones’s breakdown and the recovery he found in Christ
E. Stanley JonesI hear you speak about finding Christ. What do you mean by it?
Mark R. TeasdaleJones describes his hopes and fears about the Round Tables as a method of witnessing.
E. Stanley JonesThe witness of Stanley, Mabel, and Eunice Jones and their colleagues and friends
the editorsColleagues, friends, and influences on the life and ministry of Jones
Jennifer BoardmanHe preached extensively in almost every country of the world, which gave him a firsthand view that few people on the planet had
Stephen RankinLearn more about E. Stanley Jones and his context with these resources selected by this issue’s authors and our editorial staff
the editorsThe unruly crowd surrounded Mabel's car, rocking it
Martha Gunsalus ChamberlainMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories