Each time you and I meet a Christian, we are viewing a monument to the unknown early Christian martyrs.
Kevin A. MillerBeginning as a despised, illicit religious sect, Christianity endured 300 years of hostility to emerge as the dominant force in the Roman Empire.
William H. C. FrendThis rescript, c. 124, protected Christians
Emperor HadrianTwo stories of second-century martyrs.
PerpetuaIn the Roman mind, there were valid religious reasons to halt the spread of Christianity.
Dr. Robert L. WilkenHow should a governor treat people accused of being Christians?
Pliny the YoungerThe first-century Empire swirled with an exotic mix of religions.
Herbert SchlossbergRoman emperors who persecuted Christians.
Mark GalliThe famous emperor ended the persecution of Christians. But was he a true believer, or merely a superstitious political opportunist?
David F. WrightSelections from an agreement, made in 313, that changed the course of history.
the EditorsThe chi-rho symbol he adopted is now displayed in churches throughout the world.
David F. WrightChronology of events in the history of early church persecution.
the EditorsChristians held a theology of martyrdom that gave them courage to endure.
William G. BixlerThousands of Christians crumbled under threat of persecution.
John O. GoochEncouragement for believers sentenced to the Roman mines.
Cyprian of CarthageResources for further research on persecution of the early church.
Kenneth R. CalvertSome of his novels mercilessly lampoon Christians. Yet the great Victorian author also wrote a reverent account of Jesus’ life.
Stephen RostA Charles Dickens's chronology.
Stephen RostMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories