Early Christian discipleship around money, wealth, and charity
Helen RheeMarriage, family, divorce, and adultery in early Christianity
David G. HunterPliny, Roman governor of Bithynia in the early second century, asks for advice on how to deal with the Christian movement
PlinyA small taste of what it was like to be part of the early Christian church
the editors and Kate CooperReaders respond to Christian History
readers and editorsThe Christian faith denied a central organizing principle of the Roman state.
Jennifer Woodruff TaitWhat did it feel like to be a follower of the Way at the very beginning?
James L. PapandreaIn the late second-century work The Instructor, Clement of Alexandria has thoughts about how Christians ought to eat dinner
Clement of Alexandria, translated by William Wilson, Ante Nicene Fathers, vol. 2Good marriage and parenting according to John Chrysostom in the late fourth century
ChrysostomSome of the events shaping this issue in context
the editorsWhy Christians presented such a huge challenge to the Roman state
George KalantzisChristian commitment to asceticism grew in a newly legalized faith
Kate CooperReflect on life among the earliest followers of Christ
the editorsRead more about everyday faith in the early church in these resources recommended by our authors and THE CH TEAM.
the authors and editorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories