Early Christians emphasized doing good for all, whether or not they were worthy
Daniel F. CanerThe church and economic theories from zero-sum to mutual benefit
Jordan J. BallorHow Quakers in North Carolina used the marketplace to free enslaved people from bondage
Christina HitchcockThe church and economics from the parables to Brother Cadfael to missionary presses
The editors and contributorsWhat should be the relationship of Christians to economics and the market?
Jennifer Woodruff TaitColonial enablers or pioneers of social and economic reform?
Robert D. WoodberryThe long-standing influence of Max Weber’s linking of Protestantism and capitalism
Kenneth J. BarnesSome ways Christians have preached, thought about, shaped, critiqued, and participated in economic life throughout church history
The editorsCatholic papal encyclicals recommended a middle way on economic issues
Kevin SchmiesingThe rise, struggles, and promise of the faith and work movement
David W. MillerInterviews with two scholars who study Christians and the Market
Denise Daniels, Brent Waters, and the editorFind more on the history of the church’s relationship with economics and the market in these resources selected by CH’s authors and editors.
The editors and issue authorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories