The Nicene Creed [#7] and Athanasius’s On The Incarnation [#9] explained the Trinity to us
Jennifer FreemanJonathan Edwards’s Treatise [#23] and John Wesley’s Plain Account [#22] spoke of holiness
William KostlevyWe asked over 70 past CH authors to help identify the most influential writings from christian history, after the Bible; here are some interesting facts about the 25 writings they named as “greatest"
the editorsHow could we ever pick 25 Christian books to feature as the most important?
Jennifer Woodruff TaitThe Apostles’ Creed summarized the basics of Christian faith
Jennifer FreemanAgainst Heresies attacked an early and pervasive Christian heresy
Jennifer FreemanAnselm’s Why God Became Man [#17] answered an age-old question
Edwin Woodruff TaitThomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae [#2] explained Christianity’s rational basis
Garry J. CritesThe Imitation of Christ [#10] gave us a model for prayerful living
Paul W. ChilcoteThe Divine Comedy [#16] took readers on an unforgettable journey
Rebecca Price JanneyHere’s where the writings described in this issue fall into the sweep of the last 2,000 years of history
the editorsThe 95 Theses [#5] split a church and revolutionized a continent
Eric W. GritschJohn Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion [#3] gave birth to Calvinism
Jennifer Powell McNuttThe Book of Common Prayer [#12] set forth a liturgy that lasted
Jennifer Woodruff TaitListing the best Christian books is not a new idea; maybe it's not even a good one
G. R. EvansWe decided to recommend just one title for each featured author, although this meant ignoring many other excellent works; we urge you to examine past CH issues, our website, and other listed websites for more
the editorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories