Reformation ideas flourished—and caused conflict—in bustling cities
Jim West and Edwin Woodruff TaitHad Luther argued only for spiritual changes? German peasants didn’t think so
Edwin Woodruff TaitThe English Reformation began with a king but took hold among a people
Melinda S. ZookSometimes difficult, always committed, these men advanced the Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, and England
David C. Steinmetz and Edwin Woodruff TaitHere are some of the most extraordinary people of the “People’s Reformation”
the editorsWhat happened when reforming ideas escaped into the political realm?
Jennifer Woodruff TaitReformers wanted to change behavior, not just doctrine
Jon BalserakThe Reformers soon divided over crucial issues; Luther himself was one reason why
Robert D. LinderA hot-off-the-press technology pushed the Reformation forward
Armin Siedlecki and Perry BrownRaids on churches resulted in the destruction of countless works of art
Jim WestAs soon as the Anabaptist movement began, it was persecuted
Walter Klaassen and John OyerWhere can you go to learn more about the “people’s Reformation”? Here are some recommendations from CH editorial staff and this issue’s authors.
the editorsHow do we meet Jesus in the Eucharist? Everybody in the 16th century seemed to have a different idea
David C. SteinmetzInfant baptism in the Reformation
Jennifer Woodruff Tait and John OyerMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories