300 years before Luther, reformers were already trying to change the church
Patricia Janzen LoewenIn his quest for spiritual peace, Luther had no idea he’d leave his world in turmoil
James M. KittlesonWhat bothered opponents most about Luther—from Catholics to fellow Reformers—wasn’t his views on grace but his doctrine of the Eucharist
David C. SteinmetzWhy Luther’s marriage shocked the world and changed visions of family life for centuries to come
Beth KreitzerLuther loved to play the lute, once went on strike from his congregation, and hated to collect the rent
the editors and othersThis marks the first of a Reformation series in honor of its fifth centenary
Jennifer Woodruff TaitThe surprising origin of the term “Protestant”
Jennifer Woodruff TaitWhen did Luther discover justification by faith?
Edwin Woodruff TaitThe century that changed the world
Ken Schurb and the editorsThe men who mentored Luther, fought with him, and carried his reformation forward
David C. Steinmetz and Paul ThigpenLucas Cranach gave us indelible images of the Reformation
Paul Thigpen and the editorsErasmus “laid the egg that Luther hatched,” many said; why aren’t we celebrating his 500th anniversary?
David C. FinkThe beginning of the Reformation was not the end of Luther’s troubles
Mark U. Edwards Jr.Christian humanists believed in continuity between classical wisdom and Christian truth
Jennifer Trafton and Jennifer Woodruff TaitWhere should you go to understand Luther and the early Reformation? Here are some recommendations from CH editorial staff and this issue’s authors
The editorsMy Utmost for His Highest
Global Outpouring
Christianity and theater
Containing today’s events, devotional, quote and stories